A community for lazy dungeon masters
1072 adventures found
Cover of AL3 - River Pirates
AL3 - River Pirates
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
19 pages

With a bit of experience under your belts, you roll into the small town of Windomere with the hopes of catching a ferry to the larger community of Sepopolis. Your initial greeting lacked a warm glow and you quickly discover why. Apparently a river pirate with the moniker of ‘Slippery Peat’ and his cronies have been causing quite a stir in the area. You have a bit of a layover…ready to do the region a favor?

Cover of DE1 - Dark Echoes
DE1 - Dark Echoes
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
92 pages

A centuries old evil has been cultivating an environmental disaster deep under the earth, waiting for the time when it will be unleashed on the world. A new mine has been created above and has broken the seal. The owner of the mine has lost contact with their foreman and shipments have stopped, and it’s up to an inexperienced but eager group of adventurers to investigate. This adventure is designed to present a challenge for a group of four veteran players using first level characters. While there are opportunities for roleplay scattered throughout, this adventure is heavy on the exploration and combat pillars of fifth edition. Death is a real and ever-present threat as they investigate the mine and the dangers below. Success and survival should bring them to the third level, and they may have found some treasure well worth the effort. So much so that they may become targets themselves from unscrupulous and more experienced NPCs. Written to be a seed for a larger campaign in any high fantasy setting, the outcome of this adventure could have world-changing consequences. It introduces a new and growing threat that, given enough encouragement, greed, time and apathy, could consume the world and beyond.

Cover of A Heart in Mourning
A Heart in Mourning
5th Edition
Level 6
27 pages

A Heart in Mourning is a dungeon crawl and survival adventure that takes the party through the mists into the strange and dangerous Mournland, where they encounter threats both environmental and living. The party has been given a map with the task of retrieving the Steelheart from Ash Tower, where the Provost’s research has led them under direction by Guild Handler Lhara. Their destination lies in the middle of a manifest zone of Shavarath. Once there, the party will have to survive a tower climb filled with fiends, demons, and more in order to retrieve the Steelheart, a powerful artifact guarded by a powerful guardian.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #68: The People of the Pit
Dungeon Crawl Classics #68: The People of the Pit
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
31 pages

It has been years since the last virgin was sacrificed: and now the pit beast awakens once more! Every generation it stumbles forth on undulating tentacles from its resting place deep below the great ravine, its towering blubbery mass ravaging the land before returning to slumber for decades. But this time is different. The Great Beast strikes with intelligence: bands of faceless gray-robed men emerge from the tenebrous depths, herding the beast’s roaming tentacles before them. The enigmatic people of the pit live despite the passage of ages! The earth shakes each night as they herd the primordial tentacles ever further, while the villagers ask: is any man brave enough to put the sword to this menace?

Cover of A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
A1 Assault on Blacktooth Ridge
Levels 1–3
24 pages

The Blacktooth Ridge, fabled for its string of long abandoned fortreses, treasure houses, temples, and underground mansions lies far to the north and east of the civilized lands. Dangerous journeys and the promise of treasure invite many an adventurer to the wilds along the Ridge. There they sek fame and fortune. But it is an altogether dangerous place, tainted with the evil of the Horned God, there in hidden caves and darkened temples some linger stioll who call him their master. Of late these creatures have issued forth to plague the few people who call the ridge home, the toen of Botkinburg most of all. Now, raids and plundering confound the settlements near the Blacktooth Ridge. Rumors of Rottenkip the Goblin King and his fearless warriors taking up residence in the Blacktooth Ridge are circulating. Ogres and Trolls are raiding villages and looting caravans. Few are coming to the aid of those beset by the depredations and the evil denizens of the Blacktooth Ridge continue to spill out ever further across the lands. The call has gone out, the mustering of militias is at hand, and the Blacktooth Ridge beckons to any and all willing to come to their aid and discover what is calling forth these foul creatures. Also available for 5E

Cover of The Alchemist's Alcove
The Alchemist's Alcove
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
10 pages

This is the laboratory of High Alchemist Sureves Epans. He led a group of alchemists in research for many years, but recently there was a bit of a mishap. He discovered his wife was cheating on him with one of his employees and while in a drunken stupor trying to create a discreet potion to deal with the two of them, he let loose an infectious plague on the lab which turned all but a lucky few in the facility into shambling husks of their former selves., fused with their own creations as their minds turned to know but one thought - rage. This dungeon has rules to modify all encounters for a group of players levels 4 through 6 and is intended for a party of four. If you have more players, feel free to adjust the difficulty up one level for each additional player or simply tune the monsters to your needs. This dungeon contains many original enemies, a unique puzzle, and an environment that is meant to bring a sense of terror and anxiety on your players. I consider this to be the Horror-themed adventure of the module so feel free to add some creepy music and extra details along the way to bring the area to life (or death).

Cover of NC10 - Submission of Rodo
NC10 - Submission of Rodo
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
26 pages

The Denali Monarchy has been toppled and the citizens have formed a new government. The new head of the government, called The Hona, has requested additional help from the party. For a long time an island to the east called Rodo has been a source of goods for the land. The Hona wants to make sure that local regent, Lord Karlock, is going to continue to be a part of Denali or if he has other “thoughts” on the matter. Is your party ready for a diplomatic relations mission?

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
1 on 1 Adventures #1: Gambler's Quest
Levels 2–4
24 pages

Something is amiss in the town of Rhiannon. Recently raided by a band of vile creatures, the citizens of Rhiannon were shocked to find their lord at the root of the incident. And now Lord Kent is holding a competition for “all walks of life with a propensity for the gambling arts.” Will the PC aid the citizens of Rhiannon and uncover the truth about the mysterious Lord Kent? Or will the PC take this opportunity to line her own pockets? Either way, the answers lie inside the walls of Lord Kent’s keep and the gamblers within.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #21: The Eternal Obelisk
Pathfinder Society Scenario #21: The Eternal Obelisk
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
17 pages

When the Pathfinder-obsessed daughter of one Qadira's most powerful trade princes goes missing trying to impress the Society, her father angrily demands the Pathfinders track her down or face expulsion from Katheer. Tracking the missing princess leads you to an underground complex filled with traps, tricks, and a creature so powerful, she's lived for a thousand years. Can you save the princess and uncover the power of the Eternal Obelisk?

Cover of ASE2-3: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
ASE2-3: Anomalous Subsurface Environment
Levels 2–4
147 pages

"The Anomalous Subsurface Environment is more than just robots and lasers – it's clowns and dinosaurs, too! Levels 2 and 3 of the critically ignored gonzo megadungeon are finally available – with more classes, more tables, and more cruel and unusual ways to die deep beneath the surface of the post-apocalyptic Earth!" "ASE2-3 – Anomalous Subsurface Environment" expands upon the ASE1 module, exploring the second and third levels of a vast underground complex in a unique post-apocalyptic setting blending fantasy, science fiction, and bizarre elements. Extensive list of bizarre and unique items and monsters. Written for Labyrinth Lord

Cover of Tower of the Star Watcher
Tower of the Star Watcher
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
18 pages

A mysterious tower beckons. Recently a strange tower hidden in the forest was rediscovered, but only one scout returned to tell the tale, but a strange tale of cults, bandits and ghosts it was. Dare our heroes explore this forgotten place? Originally from the Danish convention Fastaval as part of the living campaign, Hinterlandet. Now presented here for the first time in English. It is an adventure with emphasis on exploration and meeting the unknown.

Cover of FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
Levels 5–7
49 pages

While enjoying a nice honey wine in the backwater community of Bench you discover citizens have been kidnapped from the surrounding area. After further investigation the mystery leads to a compound being built by the Exterminatus! With the danger mounting can the party slow the march of the evil cult and maybe pick up a few more pages of the arcane tome? Are they stealthy enough to infiltrate the stronghold? At almost 50 pages this adventure has the Precinct of Bench and the large compound of the Exterminatus each of which can be used in separate campaigns!

Cover of WGA4 Vecna Lives
WGA4 Vecna Lives
Levels 12–15
95 pages

Vecna Lives is a high level adventure that pits players against the lich and almost demi-god Vecna. Although based in Greyhawk, the adventure is easily adaptable to Ravenloft and Planescape. This adventure is meant to kill characters. If you are a DM who cannot bring himself to kill a player’s prized character or one who can be pressured to “give a guy a break,” you must be extra strong when running Vecna Lives! For centuries, Vecna-archmage, despotic tyrant, the most fearsome of all liches-has been nothing but fearful legend to the honest folk of Greyhawk. Once the supreme master of all undead sorcerers, even today his Hand and Eye are object of immense power. Now something evil is stirring in the lands around Greyhawk. The Hand and Eye of Vecna have been found-and Vecna wants them back. TSR 9309

Eldark Crypt
5th Edition
Levels 6–10
7 pages

A deadly encounter for a party of level 7-10s. Brave the crypt in an attempt to save Lord Eldark's son. This challenging dungeon is adaptable and easy to run in any existing campaign. It has some very tough encounters and is available for free on DM guild!

Cover of DDEX01-01 Defiance in Phlan
DDEX01-01 Defiance in Phlan
5th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms--the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, Lords' Alliance , and even the Zhentarim--must untite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Join the fight by participating in any one of five different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Cover of DF1 The Patina Court
DF1 The Patina Court
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Grimalkin
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
32 pages

Lo! The corpse of poor, departed Scholar Zubayr, washed up on the shores of the River of Sand, lies in the charnel house…destined to become dinner for a cult of cannibals. Though distasteful in the extreme, this isn’t your concern—except that Princess Karima Gamila, the most beautiful gnoll in Per-Bastet, has begged you to rescue her friend’s body and help discover his fate. Still unmoved to action? Know then, adventurer, that the Scholar was hot on the trail of lost treasure! If you can claim his body from the cult and decipher the clues he left behind, long-buried riches and powerful magic might be yours. But nothing is simple in this city of dark wonders: others converge on the charnel house in pursuit of wealth, vengeance, or both. Can you out-fight and outwit vile cultists, undead catfolk, a cunning werecrocodile gnoll, and the deadly secrets that lie buried beneath the River of Sand? Set in the city of Per-Bastet in the Southlands Campaign Setting, it is meant for play either as the thrilling sequel to Cat and Mouse, or as a standalone treasure hunt! Also available in Pathfinder format.

Cover of DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
DDAL05-01 Treasure of the Broken Hoard
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
36 pages

A famous relic hunter seeks adventurers to help her find caches of treasure hidden by the now-defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon. Her maps and notes may lead the way to great wealth—or a terrible death. And do other parties have designs on the treasure as well?

Cover of Castle Dracula - a 5e Castlevania-style adventure
Castle Dracula - a 5e Castlevania-style adventure
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
122 pages

Dracula, the Lord of Shadow and Darkness, has covered the land in shadow and dispatched armies of monsters and undead from his magical castle. His armies threaten to overrun major cities and plunge the world into a literal Dark Age. The last of the vampire-hunting clan that traditionally opposed him has disappeared, and still the armies advance. He must be stopped. If that's not enough motivation, it is well-known that his castle is full of magical items and great riches... but also great danger. If you've ever wanted D&D and Castlevania to meet, look no further. This adventure is exactly what you wanted. Every area of the castle poses different and unique challenges to keep the party engaged and on their toes. Written for the DM as a ready-to-run adventure, it is designed for four to six characters. The adventure starts at level 3 at the outer defenses of the castle, and ends with the party advancing to level 13 after defeating Dracula in an epic battle. The adventure includes documentation to help even a new DM succed, including suggestions for how to run each of the area "boss" monsters in combat. There are approximately 50 new enemies and over 3 dozen new magical items. It also comes with a list of suggested music for many areas of the castle, and a 25-page campaign log recounting an actual tabletop play-through of this adventure from the DM's perspective.

Cover of The Silence of Evil
The Silence of Evil
4th Edition
Level 29
6 pages

Centuries ago, a green dragon terrorized the civilized lands near its lair. As the beast grew in power, countless cult followers gathered. With the help of its worshipers, the dragon transformed into a runescribed dracolich. The dragon and its cult grew larger and more powerful over the centuries. This, of course, led to war with the surrounding nations. After terrible battles and much loss, the cultists were slaughtered and the dragon destroyed, but its phylactery could not be found. The beast reformed, gathered cultists anew, and again was defeated. The phylactery still could not be found. This time, the powers of civilization decided not to destroy the beast, but to trap it, locking it away and setting various guards. Recently, a divination ritual performed by someone the PCs respect revealed that great peril will arise if a creature lairing in Mount Sorrowspire (the dracolich) is not destroyed. Pgs. 180-185