A community for lazy dungeon masters
661 adventures found
Cover of H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
H4 The Throne of Bloodstone
Levels 18–100
96 pages

The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated! As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the sources of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed. The Throne of Bloodstone is the fourth and final installment in a series of modules specially designed for high-level characters. While it is not necessary to have played any of the three previous modules, The Throne of Bloodstone is the climax of an epic struggle for a kingdom against the forces of darkest evil. Recommended for characters of levels 18-100, The Throne of Bloodstone is the highest-level adventure ever published by TSR! TSR 9228

Cover of Love Letter
Love Letter
Any Level
12 pages

Wherein the Heroes learn that the Coils of Love wrap 'round Fiends and Friends alike, and may undertake to aid in a secret Correspondence. Chapter III of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.

Cover of ALQ5 Ruined Kingdoms
ALQ5 Ruined Kingdoms
Levels 3–12
104 pages

Unveil the forbidden secrets of Nog and Kadar! The Nogaro River has seen the rise and gall of countless empires, unequaled in their evil and terror. Buried but not destroyed, their legacy lives on, shrouded by the tangled jungle and by time itself. With Ruined Kingdoms, bold explorers can at last lift the veil of oblivion and unravel the mysteries of a dark and sinister past. Inside you'll discover: A 32-page campaign booklet describing the Ruined Kingdoms and their many secrets. A 64-page book packed with adventures-nine plots of intrigue and danger that transport player characters from Dihliz to Afyal and into the heat of the ruin-choked jungle. Adventurers face yak-men, genies, and giants, and unearth artifacts of awesome magical power. An 8-page booklet filled with villainous women and deadly reptilian monsters. Six cardstock sheets featuring detailed maps and player aids. A stunning poster map of eastern Zakhara, depicting the twisting valleys and ancient capitals of the Ruined Kingdoms. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. TSR 9440

Cover of Dragon's Delve
Dragon's Delve
Levels 3–6
24 pages

Chip off the old block. The dwarves of Underduin and Thunderdelve have made some new friends … and enemies. A stronghold of dwarfs has been takin hostage and its up to the part to save them and return the stronghold to its former glory. XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain may act as a prequel. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of FT - Cappadocia
FT - Cappadocia
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Welcome to Cappadocia! This ruined ancient city is home to a group of shipwrecked Gnome adventurers. For the past several years they have tried to make the best of their situation and are starting to feel at home. This is also a side adventure to FP13 - Odie's Staff. Oh yea and two more words.....Gnome Airship!

Cover of FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
Levels 5–8
18 pages

For those seeking high level adventure in the dead lands of the Adurite Empire the trail leads through Qualtorian’s Gap. This area was once a breadbasket of agricultural success that fed a great deal of the empire. Qualtorian, a retired general, knew that the best friend to an army was its filled stomach. After leaving the military he set to creating vast wheat fields and arbors for food and drink needs. Decades after his death and the fall of the empire this land is teaming with humanoids and other creatures to challenge your PCs!

Cover of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Levels 1–3
28 pages
17  0

"Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear. . . No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!" TSR 9063

Cover of I3 Pharaoh
I3 Pharaoh
Levels 5–7
32 pages

For 1000 years, the Pyramid of Amun-re has lain undisturbed. Now the ghost of the once-great Pharaoh pleads with adventurers to venture into his tomb, foil the devious traps within, and free his soul. A classic dungeon crawl, with mazes and quality lore. No one has ever returned from the tomb of Amun-re: his Star Gem must still lie unclaimed! You will need all your cunning, imagination, strength and magic -- just to survive! TSR 9052

Cover of Tegel Manor
Tegel Manor
Levels 1–20
44 pages

Haunted House Fun House Dungeon. Tegel Manor, a great manor-fortress on the seacoast, is rumored to be left over from ancient days when a charm was placed over it protecting it from most of the ravages of time and human occupation. The hereditary owners, whos family name is Rump, have been amiss in their traditional duty of providing protection for the market village to the west. Some have said tha this failing and their bizarre eccentricities have led to their corruption. Many have found the manor and area to be a dangerous place to visit! A huge haunted house with a 17"x22" Judges map and a 11"x17 Players map, printed on both sides, brown on high-quality tan stock. Each map has the manor printed on one side and the surrounding wildernes on the other. Enclosed in the product is a 32-page booklet with room and monster descriptions. Over 240 rooms and chambers include a hall of magic portraits and four secret dungeon levels beneatht the manor. The booklet also has tables to create magic statues, ghostly encounters, resurrection results, and more. Tegal Manor has always been one of our more popular playing aids, and has been a lot of fun for Judges and players all over the country. This is an officially approved playing aid for use with D&D. This edition was published by Gamescience.

Cover of ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
Levels 10–12
32 pages

The final fate of Roslof Keep and the Company of the Ivory Scimitar hangs in the balance. With five levels conquered, the party must finally face the ultimate challenge of the sixth and final floor. Can the stalward adventures overcome the last defense of the Infernal Machine? Will Roslof Keep be freed from the violet corruption? What unforeseen plot twists still await those willing to brave the challenges presented in The Realms of Madness and Despair? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of The Mother's Curse
The Mother's Curse
Levels 3–5
18 pages

Wednesday's child... It's a blessed event only if you can end the curse in time. People have been disappearing form the town of Monetenapoleone and a swamp has appeared blocking the towns trade route. It is up to the players to find what is causing all of these strange events and to stop it. Pgs. 32-49

Cover of The Crypt of Istaris
The Crypt of Istaris
Levels 3–5
14 pages

It's all over (and literally so) after midnight. A mission with an unforgiving deadline. The characters must remove the magically-infused remains of a dead wizard and his medallion from a crypt. Pgs. 10-23

Cover of UK2 The Sentinel
UK2 The Sentinel
Levels 2–5
38 pages

Not even memories of past glory live on in the gentle hills around the village of Kusnir. Today its people have more concern for commonplace things, like the harvest, trade, and the threat of death in the night! Kusnir is beset by a skulk. The attentions of such a creature are a curse on any community. Streets and alleys which ring to the voices of children by day become fearful, shadowy places by night. Men go abroad armed and in groups, while women and children stay behind locked doors and even there are not safe. But life goes on. The lot of the peasant is always hard, what cannot be prevented must be endured and, of course, things could be worse. Much worse. The skulk has begun to visit the village more and more often. Sometimes it kills, yet just as often it spares a victim, leaving clear signs of what it might have done had it wished. Its visits are now marked by strange and illegible symbols scrawled in blood on the walls of the buildings. The people are worried, helpless, and desperate. Desperate enough to welcome adventurers. UK2: "The Sentinel" (1983) is the second UK-series adventure, the fifth TSR UK adventure overall, the first solo effort by Morris, and the first half of the two-part Adlerweg series (whew!). It was run as a tournament at the GamesFair '83 Open, then published later in 1983. TSR 9101

Cover of Neither Man Nor Beast
Neither Man Nor Beast
Levels 1–4
64 pages

Neither Man Nor Beast is set in the Ravenloft campaign setting, on the island of Markovia. It recounts a tale in which the heroes encounter all manner of beasts - some wearing human form, some animal, and many somewhere in-between. TSR 9499

Cover of DSQ1 Road to Urik
DSQ1 Road to Urik
Levels 4–7
122 pages

"Tyr is free! Tyr is free!" Such is the heady cry that echoes from the darkest warrens to the gleaming chambers of the Council in that ancient city. Now is your chance to savor life released from the oppressive gloom of the sorcerer-kings-but for how long? New forces threaten the newly-born independence of Tyr, as outside forces march upon the city. King Tithian is determined to resist, but there are others on the Council of Advisors less eager to risk their wealth and lives for the cause of independence. It falls upon you to help mobilize and lead the citizen-army of Tyr on the road to Urik. In Road to Urik, the city-State of Tyr has thrown off the yoke of the sorcerer-king Kalak and declared all slaves free, but the neighboring city-state of Urik is amassing its own armies to conquer Tyr. In the first part of the adventure, the PCs must negotiate with various factions of the city in order to win their support for the war effort. In the second part the PCs leading a scouting force ahead of the main army, and the choices and successes in the first part will affect the troops they lead here. Finally, they will need to fight and lure away the Urik army's own scouting force, letting the army of Tyr ambush them. The second and third part make heavy use of the Battlesystem rules, which were pushed pretty heavily in the early Dark Sun books. Like many Dark Sun adventures, the module makes heavy use of handouts that come in a flip-book along with the main adventure. This adventure is a sequel to Freedom. It stands on its own, but the plot of the adventure is based on the events of Freedom and the novel the Verdant Passage, so you can't really run them in reverse order. Much like Freedom took place concurrently with The Verdant Passage, Road to Urik takes place just before the events of The Crimson Legion, the second novel in the Prism Pentad. TSR 2406

Cover of Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Chagmat, Greyhawk Aid - World of Bandits
Levels 1–4
16 pages

The town of Byr is in need of heroes. Residents of the town of Byr have been kidnapped. Some think it was marauding Hobgoblins, but a grizzled and crippled veteran who helped to drive the Chagmat (monstrous spider-people) back many years ago believes that the Chagmat are back. Their forgotten temple is believed to be up on Little Boy Mountain. He argues that the mountain is where answers, and the missing townsfolk, can be found. Pgs. 33-48

Cover of V5 Palace of the Vampire Queen Castle Blood
V5 Palace of the Vampire Queen Castle Blood
Level 1
24 pages

This adventure is a prequel to the first ever stand-alone module published Palace of the Vampire Queen by Wee Warriors She is simply called the Vampire Queen. A being so powerful and evil that the mere mention of her title, raises shrieks of horror and anguish. Her reach is seemingly infinite and her machinations sinister beyond the un-derstanding of mortal men. But those very same mortals must stop her. The path to victory leads to only one place. A place of legend and mystery; the Palace of the Vampire Queen! For the first time the ruined Palace Keep is detailed and ready for exploration! The adventure includes one new monster and two new magic items. This module is designed for the First Edition game using six to eight characters of first level.

Cover of Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Some ports are more dangerous than the storm. It's alive, it's hungry, it's growing. And you're on the menu. Alone, out in the wilds with a savage winter storm bearing down on you, you need shelter to survive. You stumble through the trees and smell wood-smoke. Ahead you spot the small fortified trading outpost known as Jacob's well. You're not the only traveller to find themselves stranded here in the teeth of the storm. The only problem, someone has bought something with them, it's alive, it's growing, it's voracious and you are all on the menu. Think Aliens and The Thing and you're on the right track. Has potential to be scaled to suit a group of adventurers. Pgs. 8-23

Cover of FN14 - Myric's Elemental Maze
FN14 - Myric's Elemental Maze
Levels 8–12
20 pages

The conclusion of the Filbar North series this adventure puts the party in front of a large and dangerous maze and home to the power of the Elementals! Each section has a riddle that the party must solve in order to obtain a key and continue to the center of the maze where the party will face off with a very special adversary. This adventure is not for those with little experience and will require the ability to solve riddles!

Cover of FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
Levels 1–3
20 pages

Deep in a secluded vale is a place known to the locals as Yasmine's Tower. It is said that she is an evil witch who uses magic to bend lost travellers to her will. Can your party put an end to this evil?