Cover of Of Sound Mind (Revised 3.5 Edition)

Of Sound Mind (Revised 3.5 Edition)

In the town of Bellhold, it's not difficult to realize that something is wrong. Everyone is irritable and suffering from nightmares, children are missing, and the local adventuring company has been gone for a week. Yet the townsfolk's headaches are sure to pass, so the mayor is not especially worried.

He should be.

Of Sound Mind flings you into a maelstrom of trouble, for the situation is much, much worse than it first appears. Before your investigation is over, you will be dangling from cliffs, descending deep into a mountain's bowels, uncovering lost hoards of treasure, fleeing from people you thought were friends, and desperately trying to outwit an enemy that is far more than you could ever imagine. The fate of thousands hinges on your success or failure. Think your up for it?

Published by Fiery Dragon

Published By
Indie Dev.
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Includes Characters?
Levels 1–2
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Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
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