Cover of IM1 The Immortal Storm

IM1 The Immortal Storm

"The storm-stuff is not matter as we know it, and beyond Immortal control," the Hierarch sighs. "I fear we are doomed."

It appeared only a few weeks ago - a swirling gray mass of incalculable size. And in its center, an eye. A humanoid eye. Now the storm threatens the very era of Immortal rule.

The growing maelstrom emits a message to the Hierarchs. But what does it mean? Can it help save this realm of existence? Is there time to save this realm?

The first Immortal adventure pits your party against the multiverse in a desperate struggle to find the essence of life. This adventure is nothing like you've ever played before.

TSR 9171

Written By
Frank Mentzer
Published By
Publication Year
Battle Mats?
Includes Characters?
Immortal Level
Found In
Boss Monsters and Villains
Common Monsters
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